Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm so Ashamed

Years in the future, when my child asks me at 10pm to make cupcakes for his entire kindergarten class for the next day, I will surely experience deja vu, as this is basically what Boyfriend asked me to do last Thursday night. He needed cupcakes for camp staff. While these are intensely ugly, he got back to me saying many staff members liked mine over other ones other people's girlfriends made, so yay.

Duncan Hines Devil's Food Cake (ugh) with vanilla and milk chocolate frosting. Tinted the vanilla with food coloring and squeezed out of plastic baggies. It was late, though, and after two pairs of scissors were too blunt to make a sharp corner cut, I was too impatient to find a third and just went with it. So the lesson learned is have some patience and use really sharp scissors to make tiny holes in your plastic baggies. Otherwise they will look like this.

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