Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chex Holiday Mix

B's sisters and mom always concoct delicious treats around the holidays. My favorite this year was white chocolate chex mix. I meant to get the recipe before I left, but forgot. I made this up, so we'll see how far off I am at another time. But for now, here's the recipe! You'll need: 12 ounces (6 little blocks) of Baker's chocolate 2 tablespoons of butter 3 cups of Rice Chex 2 cups of unsalted mini pretzels 1-2 packages of M&M's
  • Using a double boiler, melt butter and white chocolate, stirring constantly. I used a makeshift one - a pot resting on the handles of a bigger pot. Stir until melted and clump-free!
  • Remove from heat and add the Chex, and pretzels. Get everything nicely coated. Add M&M's last because they tend to melt quickly with the hot white chocolate.
  • Spread over wax paper to dry. I ran out and had to use foil. It's okay though, since I used enough butter to keep things from sticking.
  • After about 20 minutes, enjoy!

I haven't used any, but apparently, there's a whole world of delicious Chex Mix recipes. Check them out!!

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